Device Manager

Auto-discover and inventory all of the devices in your multi-vendor network at scale—no matter what the size or complexity

See if Device Manager is right for you


The Gluware Device Manager application helps large organizations quickly execute network device auto-discovery across their entire network, no matter how large or complex. Gluware Device Manager intelligently interrogates your network to build a database of your device inventory that includes hi-resolution details critical to automating your entire network code-free and at scale.

The Network Discovery capability within Device Manager enables users to build discovery plans to be executed in real-time, scheduled or run via a Network RPA workflow. Users can choose between a subnet scan discovery method or a more advanced neighbor crawl method that uses ARP table, LLDP and CDP neighbor information from a seeded device. Gluware can propagate the discovery by crawling the layer 2 and layer 3 topology improving network security by identifying any rogue devices connected to the network.

Device manager provides the ability to perform backup and restore of device configurations. Backups can be executed in real-time, scheduled or in a Network RPA workflow. The backups view shows the historical backups and provides the ability to execute multi-device restore operations.

Single Source of Truth

It is important for enterprise IT to establish a “single source of truth” for their network device inventory. This includes information critical to operate effectively and minimize risk. For example, they strive to know the currently running operating system on each network device. Applying Gluware’s discovery capabilities, Device Manager is able to query each device across 40+ different operating systems, leveraging their respective device-detect libraries and interrogating each device for current details in minutes, all the way down to its CLI. Device Manager is powered by Gluware’s underlying orchestration engine, enabling discovery across thousands of devices. In addition to discovering your source of truth, Gluware can synchronize and reconcile with an external 3rd party system through the use of the published REST-based GluAPI.
Once device details have been discovered in Device Manager, Gluware grid search and sort features can examine and understand the inventory so users can realize benefits including planning device swap/replace, operating system change management, and more. The details are fully exportable.
Gluware Device Manager integrates with CiscoⓇ API Console to use the inventory information and make API calls to access EoX bulletins, SmartNet contract details and PSIRT advisories. Device Manager also integrates with NIST for multi-vendor CVEs. This information provides further details to help prioritize equipment replacement and OS upgrades required for security concerns. Gluware integrates with ServiceNowⓇ CMDB and Netbox providing the ability to sync device properties with 3rd party sources of truth.

Network Auto-Discovery
Device Inventory
Benefits & Features​


Gluware, Inc.
500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2350
Sacramento, CA 95814

For general inquiries


US: 1-855-458-3822
UK: 0808-134-9906
Australia: 1-800-987-824
NZ + 0800-005-106

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