ONUG Fall 2021 – Gluware Academy | De-risking Network Changes with Intelligent Network Automation
Kevin Cline, Gluware Director of Customer Success and Training and Alex Araujo, Gluware Solutions Architect demonstrate the Gluware suite of applications in action and how it can help prevent network outages. Experience how Gluware executes network lifecycle capabilities including network discovery, inventory, config drift, config audit, config management and OS management. After the overview of the Gluware suite, a demonstration of the working details of using Config Modeling to create and deploy Golden Configs is covered in two stages. First a declarative, static deployment of corporate “globals”, followed by an integration of dynamic content into that deployment. This enables users to avoid outages by blending specific business logic in a straightforward manner with the static blocks (i.e., Golden Configs) used by other solutions.