ONUG Fall 2016 Demo
Glue PoC – Achieving Greater Efficiency In Multi-Vendor Switch Networks Leveraging Software-Defined Network Orchestration. Recorded at the Fall 2016 ONUG meeting in New York City, New York on October 24, 2016.
Every day, Gluware helps leaders across industry automate network configuration changes, perform OS upgrades at scale, and conduct recurring audit / compliance checks and remediation, resulting in significant time and cost savings.
Gluware partners with the world’s leading technology companies and resellers to deliver a wide array of solutions built around our industry-leading network automation platform.
Gluware partners/resellers can register new account opportunities.
Gluware, Inc.
500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2350
Sacramento, CA 95814
For general inquiries info@gluware.com
US: 1-855-458-3822
UK: 0808-134-9906
Australia: 1-800-987-824
NZ + 0800-005-106
Glue PoC – Achieving Greater Efficiency In Multi-Vendor Switch Networks Leveraging Software-Defined Network Orchestration. Recorded at the Fall 2016 ONUG meeting in New York City, New York on October 24, 2016.
For our featured interview this week we spoke with Jeff Gray, CEO at Glue Networks, to discuss the use of automation in improving reliability and simplifying network deployments.
Jeff Gray, CEO, introduces Gluware and discusses their vision for helping networking professionals solve deployment challenges in a multi-vendor networking environment.
Wide Area Networks (WANs) are increasingly difficult to manage. The average enterprise network has assets in diverse locations, increasing scale and numerous unique devices. To add to that, most leverage many different transport options including MPLS, Carrier Ethernet, Frame-Relay, legacy T1/E1 circuits and cellular connections. Enterprises are looking at new technologies such as Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN) to achieve agility and cost savings. As enterprises leverage this approach, they must choose between testing new vendors with proprietary solutions requiring new hardware, or increasing and extending the life of their existing infrastructure while turning embedded feature sets on. Read More
Hear the vision of Glue Networks from the co-founders Jeff Gray and Olivier Huynh Van and why software defined network orchestration is the future of networking.
Mike Haugh, Director of Technical Marketing, demonstrates Glue Networks Gluware Control and Gluware Labs and how it can help professionals and engineers build orchestration solutions for their enterprises.
Recorded at the fall 2015 meeting of the Open Networking User Group. Please visit http://OpenNetworkingUserGroup.com/ for more information.
Jeff Gray Introduces Glue Networks Software-Defined Wide-Area Networks: Powering intelligent WAN Architectures. Recorded at ONUG Spring 2014 by Tech Field Day.
Gluware, Inc.
500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2350
Sacramento, CA 95814
For general inquiries info@gluware.com
US: 1-855-458-3822
UK: 0808-134-9906
Australia: 1-800-987-824
NZ + 0800-005-106
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