Event Videos
Intelligent Network Automation: Videos, Webinars and Tutorials

Transforming a Fortune 100 Network to Enable SaaS Deployments
In this ONUG Fall 2018 Keynote Presentation, Gluware CEO Jeff Gray welcomed global pharma customer Salvatore Rannazzisi to discuss how Gluware intent-based networking is helping on their company’s network automation journey.

On The Spot With Gluware’s Michael Haugh
We put Michael Haigh, Director of Technical Marketing from Gluware on the spot and asked the question, “What’s the one thing that customers don’t know

Gluware Enabling Security (NAC Switches)
In this use case video, Gluware shows how they can deploy complex features like NAC on switches by leveraging a discovery capability to learn VLANs and access ports to intelligently apply policy.

Gluware Presents at Networking Field Day 18
Jeff Gray, CEO and Co-Founder, introduces Gluware, describes the current state of network automation, and highlights the differentiation of using Gluware to automate brownfield enterprise networks.

The State of the Art in Enterprise Infrastructure Automation
In this ONUG Spring 2018 Keynote Presentation, Gluware CEO Jeff Gray welcomes Ernest Lefner of Bank of America, Salvatore Rannazzisi of a Global Pharma company, and Michael Parks of AIG to discuss the state of the art of enterprise infrastructure automation.

ONUG Fall 2017 Demo
Software-Defined Security Services (S-DSS) Use-Case. Automate Multi-Vendor Security Policy Using Gluware Control, Michael Haugh.

ONUG Fall 2016 Demo
Glue PoC – Achieving Greater Efficiency In Multi-Vendor Switch Networks Leveraging Software-Defined Network Orchestration. Recorded at the Fall 2016 ONUG meeting in New York City, New York on October 24, 2016.

Is automation the key to unlocking SDN and NFV potential?
For our featured interview this week we spoke with Jeff Gray, CEO at Glue Networks, to discuss the use of automation in improving reliability and

2016 TFD Extra at CLUS
Jeff Gray, CEO, introduces Gluware and discusses their vision for helping networking professionals solve deployment challenges in a multi-vendor networking environment.

Packet Pushers, Show#276, Glue Networks, SD-WAN & Network Orchestration.
Wide Area Networks (WANs) are increasingly difficult to manage. The average enterprise network has assets in diverse locations, increasing scale and numerous unique devices. To